Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ek Pal Mein

...zindagi badal gaya! I can now understand what it means.

It was another Thursday morning. Some of you might have read this post of mine back in January.

This time my name was in THE LIST!
When we were told that our employment has been impacted due to financial reasons, I walked out and came back to my desk. Tears were coming on and off - silly, but it is not like you hear those words everyday. I was really busy at work and this came totally unexpected. When I packed my things and came to my car, I looked at the river side walking trail. I was waiting for summer to start walking there!

Called B and went to his office. We went for a quick lunch, joked and chatted about it. I came back home and focussed on kids that evening!


Anya Padyam said...

That was totally unexpected - I had to read it again for it to sink in!

Yup! that's the attitude to have! And, I am sure things will fall in place!


Vrinda said...

Don't you worry!! When one door closes, several open...That's the attitude, way to go girl!!

I am sure, I will see a post soon of a new, better beginning..


Scribbler said...

Look at it this way - Sometimes it takes someone to take out the umbrella for you to realize that you are in sunshine again! A better opportunity awaits with you withe better challenges, better colleagues and of course, better pay!

All the Best!

Laksh said...

Hugs! Like JS, I had to read the post twice before it sunk in. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Anonymous said...

Oh Anamika sorry to hear this, girl. Although these things are happening more often than before in the industry, it never comes easy when it hit personally. Here my hope and prayer is that in another 'Ek pal' zindagi badal jayega..for good..real soon.


anamika said...

@JS and Laksh - thanks for your comment and email. I almost took a day debating in my mind how to put this in words. And I did not want to use those common words. As a writer, I think I am glad I made you read twice!

@Vrinda - thanks! Hoping for some good change - me too!

@Scribbler - took a minute to realize this is SJ! Like the better pay part :-) have to see, how it goes in this market!

@Shy - thanks! I am sure it will be quite a learning experience until that 'Ek Pal' comes - but I liked it the way you put!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anamika,
Sorry to hear about the news.I am sure that you will get a better job offer.Wishing you all the best.


അശ്വതി/Aswathy said...

sorry to hear this.
Anyway, let's hope for the best.
I'm sure u'll get another soon. I'm so sure b'coz i no u from my school days...
Those days u were the topper 'S chechi' always...
Be positive.
All the best

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this. Consider this as a blessing in disguise and enjoy the break with your kids, it is impossible to get such a break when you are working again.

UL said...

Dear Anamika, I have been head -deep busy and didn't see this until now...I am so sorry to hear this, please dont loose heart, this too shall pass, in my opinion, there is always light at the end of the tunnel....good luck with everything, you will come out of this stronger..

anamika said...

@Anila - let us hope for the best!
@aswathy - thanks for reminding me of the school days - golden era!
@sl - yes, almost everyone is encouraging me to take a break now with the kids. Thinking about it.
@UL - yes, I agree that I will come out of it stronger. Everything is an experience, right! Thanks for the call, ketto!