Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nice weekend

It was quite an eventful weekend. Mini highlights are driving to places I have not been before - this is a big milestone for me. I hate driving - but this felt good when I reached the destination.

It was a milestone for B also. The cookbook project he has been part of as a photographer from the church came to a completion. The first copy of the book was released in a very nice simple function where people spoke their hearts our in complete sincerity. We all felt glad to be part of it.

Also, I took the courage to wear saree by myself to take part in the function. That is a milestone for me, since I dread 'wearing the saree' a lot.
Sunday evening, we set on 'drive to a random location' exercise. B looked up Hoopes Reservoir in google maps and we drove there. When we reached the place, the bridge was closed so we could not go further. But we stopped by a lake and took some pictures of the lake.
While driving back we realised that the date was June 13. That means, it was exactly 10 years since we landed the US of A. This called for a celebration and we went to TGI Fridays for dinner. Thoughts of coming work week peek in my mind and threaten me - it is Sunday blues for me. But I tell myself - enjoy this evening! Thus endeth the weekend!

Monday, June 7, 2010

May update

The month of May flew by fast. We engaged a painter to make the most of our home colorful. Picking colors was a tough task, but we managed to come out with flying colors (all pun intended). The idea was to get the home all painted before B's parents arrived the end of May. All the work did not get over before they arrived, but we managed to get our dining and breakfast room furniture replaced with new ones.
B's parents are here. Kids were excited to welcome them. They were excited to meet the kids after 8 months. Nithin's last day at school (day care) was last Friday. He will spend the summer with them at home. Nikhil's school year will be over within 2 weeks. The boys will keep the grandparents on their toes.
It has been a while since I committed to having guests for a dinner/lunch at home. Life has been busy with the long drive and work that I am scared to commit to anything. But yesterday's gathering was one thing we arranged a month in advance. Our close family friends (4 families) were invited to our home for lunch before some of the visiting moms from India go back. One family could not make it, but we did have some fun time. Saturday went by in cooking and the end of the day, I made sure we all get out for a drive to 'somewhere'.
Somewhere was picked by B. We went to Nolde State Park, an hour's drive from our home. It was nice and green - it was late evening - did not do much there - but it was good to explore some of those trails. Kids biked a little. We had some pizza in a near by restaurant and headed back home.
The next morning, was Nikhil's turn to give a small speech in the church about his experience with God/Prayer. This reminded me of all the elocutions I have taken part when I was small. I realised that it is not possible to make him do all that I would have done. He has to say what he feels like saying and pushing him to say what I want him to say won't really work. He did his job and he did good in being extempore.
Next month, we are awaiting B's elder brother and family over from Kuwait for a vacation here. The summer will fly quickly - it looks like!