Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 1

The flight was long, tiring but not too bumpy. Food was not great, except for the last breakfast which was Puris! At the London airport, the one thing I did that was exciting was get a change of 1 pound and use it in an internet kiosk to type an email to B and Appa. Getting on the internet made me feel homely in the vast airport. Felt like I am not that far away India and USA. Little moments of fun!

Nikhil was good. I was super thrilled when he ate the Puris with the spicy curries for breakfast in the plane. I forced him to sleep in the second flight for we fear a monster called JET LAG! Day 1 activities were planned to involve Nikhil and make him walk with us to some small shops etc to prevent him from falling asleep. After 3 hours, he could not control it anymore, he fell asleep in the car. Today is the first night - last time he could not sleep well for some days. Let us see how this one goes.
In the couple of phone conversations, Nithin and Nikhil exchanged 'miss you's and 'love you's. It is hard for them to be separated now, especially thar they have started playing/watching Star Wars, DS etc etc together. Hang in there, folks, I will keep posting my updates!


Anya Padyam said...

Great day 1! :) Enjoy... looking forward to more updates!

shy said...

wow, you are already there..eating away more puris..haha. enjoy and have lot of fun.
I am sure the boys will adjust the distance and time. happy indian vacation Nikhil!

anamika said...

@JS - there is more happening here than back in US.

@shy - thanks, shy!

Laksh said...

Have a fun vacation! Nice to read your updates.