1. Calling Chuck-e-Cheese and booking the time slot
2. Creating an evite, collecting emails of folks with kids who will enjoy, managing the responses
3. Creating a spreadsheet where I maintain the guest list and store evite responses
4. Ordering cake
5. For 4-5 families have a dinner setup at home post Chuck e Cheese (what to order from outside? What to make at home?)
On Saturday, morning, B and I made some simple dishes at home and banked on the choices I made to order from outside to turn out good. I put Nithin down for his nap at around 1 o'clock calculating that he should be up by the time we should leave for Chuck-e-Cheese. Some days, things do work the way you want them to!
As dad went to get the cake, I woke up Nithin and got him dressed up. Handling a toddler who just woke up from his nap, and taking him to an event where you want him to behave nicely - is exactly like handling glassware! I think we managed that part well that day.
But at CC, Mr.Nithin wore his shy hat for quite sometime and gave a strange look to people who told 'Happy Birthday' to him. He was excited to see Chucky and give him Hi-Five!
I should share this funny moment with you - everyone is waiting for Chucky (someone dressed up as this mouse character) and you can see him from the far end of the room..and every one goes..chucky is here! Reminded me of the times when as a kid I waited in front on the temple, for the procession to get closer and everyone goes ' saami vanthachu..' (God is here, meaning the idol is near us!)! And all the kids go 'Chucky Chucky'! கன்னத்திலே போட்டுக்காத குறை தான்! (BTW, I decided to type whatever language comes to me when I think, since it is supported here. Please excuse the intrusion of a foreign language, it will be Tamil, Malayalam or Hindi!)
I hope the kids had fun, even though for adults it was really loud and noisy.
The second part of the party also went fine at home. Just couple of families and we had some relaxing time with chatter and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, after the church session, I felt a great satisfaction lingering that all the plans I made worked out. All are executed fine and the party is OVER. Phew!